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Configure the Management Server

Perform the following configuration steps on the management server if you have installed PLOSSYS 5 with separate management server or in a cluster.

Configure Elasticsearch

  1. Open the firewall for Elastic Stack. For this, change to the SEAL Elastic Stack - - rpm/server directory and start the script for opening the firewall ports:

    cd "SEAL Elastic Stack - - rpm/server"
    sudo sh
  2. Edit the following file on the management server:

  3. Add the following lines:
    discovery.type: single-node
  4. Save the file.

  5. Edit the following file on the management server:

  6. Search for the following lines and update the parameters in order to set the Max_Heap_Size where <ram_mb> is to be at least 50 % of the server's RAM:


    Hint - same value

    With –Xmx<ram_mb>m and –Xms<ram_mb>m, the same value has to be used for <ram_mb>. Otherwise, Elasticserach will not start!

    Example - 2048 MB

  7. Save the file.

  8. Execute the following command. It opens an editor with an empty file.

    sudo systemctl edit elasticsearch.service
  9. Add the following lines to the file:

  10. Save the file.

  11. Restart the service for Elasticsearch:

    sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch

Configure Kibana

  1. In the /opt/seal/etc/kibana.yml file, activate the following setting:
  2. Restart the following service for Kibana:

    sudo systemctl restart seal-kibana

Next Step

Continue with: Configure the PLOSSYS 5 Server

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