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Configure the Management Server

Perform the following configuration steps on the management server if you have installed PLOSSYS 5 with separate management server or in a cluster.

Configure Elasticsearch

  1. Open the firewall for Elastic Stack. For this, open a PowerShell (Administrator), change to the SEAL Elastic Stack - - msi\server directory and start the script for opening the firewall ports:

    cd "SEAL Elastic Stack - - msi\server"
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; .\firewall.ps1
  2. Edit the following file on the management server:

  3. Add the following lines:
    discovery.type: single-node
  4. Save the file.

  5. Edit the following file on the management server:

  6. Search for the following lines and update the parameters in order to set the Max_Heap_Size where <ram_mb> is to be at least 50 % of the server's RAM:


    Hint - same value

    With –Xmx<ram_mb>m and –Xms<ram_mb>m, the same value has to be used for <ram_mb>. Otherwise, Elasticserach will not start!

    Example - 2048 MB

  7. Save the file.

  8. In a PowerShell, configure the restart of the Elasticsearch service in case of failure:

    sc.exe failure Elasticsearch reset= 0 actions= restart/60000
  9. In a PowerShell, restart the Elasticsearch service:

    restart-service elasticsearch

Configure Kibana

  1. Edit the following file on the management server:

    C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\config\kibana.yml
  2. Uncomment the following line: ""
  3. Save the file.

  4. In a PowerShell, restart the seal-kibana service for Kibana:

    restart-service seal-kibana

Configure easyPRIMA

The following steps are only required if bos2gyros has been installed after easyPRIMA in order to make the path of bos2gyros available to easyPRIMA.

  1. Open a SEAL shell on the management server.

  2. Stop the system:

    sysstop -full
  3. Execute the following command for setting the environment:

  4. Log off from Windows and log on to it again.

  5. Open a SEAL shell and start the system:


Next Step

Continue with: Configure the PLOSSYS 5 Server

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